Permanent Red 2B
This color is different from a very similarly named color, Carmine Lake, which is also a Charvin Super-Fine color. So, within the Super-Fine series, Carmine and Carmine Lake are different paints made with different pigments. To add more complexity, on another note, Charvin has two lines of oil paint, the Super-Fine (sometimes just called Fine) and the Extra-Fine. In general, the color names for their paints between these series overlap. However, the Super-Fine only comes in 150ml tubes while the Extra-Fine colors come in a range of sizes. There is uncertainty surrounding the pigment listings for each paint. We reached out to Charvin about this and unfortunately we did not receive more clarity. (For example, pastel blends might only list a high chroma colorant and not disclose which white pigment(s) have been used). We held off on listing any colors as single pigment color since it is not totally clear on the tubes or in the brochure which pigments have been included.