Quinacridone Scarlet
Unfortunately, PR207 was recently discontinued. While this paint is not officially listed as discontinued yet, we wanted to mention this as changes may be on the horizon. This depends on how much of a store an individual paintmaker has on hand, or what they are able to source. A note on availability for painters in the U.S.A.— at this writing, for colors not currently stocked by Jerry’s, Charvin informed us that these colors cannot be ordered directly from the Charvin store. For painters in other parts of the world, it might also be a good idea to contact Charvin before ordering directly. More information about this color can be found here: https://charvin-arts.com/gb/huiles-extra-fines-60-ml/1656-empire-red-60ml.html
It may be helpful to distinguish between Charvin Super Fine and Extra-Fine. The Super Fine Series only comes in 150 ml quantities while the Extra-Fine comes in a range of sizes. There is a naming overlap between the two series, however Extra-Fine has a greater number of colors. Also, we did not categorize any Charvin paints as single pigment, as there is a lack of clarity on which pigments comprise any given color blend of theirs. We reached out to Charvin about this and were directed to their brochure, however the printed material was what gave rise to our questions. For example white pigments are not listed on pastel color blends, and in some cases we noticed things like a green paint with only a yellow pigment listed.